Children are expected to dress smartly at Roundwood Primary and staff and parents are expected to support the uniform policy.
All items of uniform and personal property including coats, water bottles and wellington boots must be clearly named.
Branded and other items can be bought from uniform shops/online as detailed below.
Recycled uniform is sold via Friends of Roundwood Primary, who hold regular uniform sales and also have a Facebook page.
Children’s hair should not be artificially coloured. Long hair should be tied up and any hair bands/ribbons/ties should be in school colours (navy blue, white, grey, black or yellow). For religious reasons some children may wish to wear a headscarf which should be in school colours.
Uniform for Reception, KS1 and KS2 pupils
- Plain dark grey school trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
- White polo shirt
- Navy school sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
- Plain navy or grey tights or socks
- Optional summer uniform (summer term and September): Yellow and white gingham dress
- Coat – warm/waterproof
Nursery clothing
- Elasticated jogging bottoms or leggings (no denim)
- Long or short-sleeved t shirt with a jumper or cardigan
- All in one waterproof suit
- Forest school clothing- see separate list sent to Nursery parents
Nursery and Reception children
- Coats and shoes should be able to be fastened independently, such as with Velcro or zips
- Reception children: One spare set of clothes including underwear, socks or tights to be kept in book bag
- Reception children: All in one waterproof suit for outdoor learning
- Nursery children: Two sets of spare clothes to include bottoms, tops, underwear and socks to be kept at school
- Low-heeled black or navy shoes. Sandals may be worn but toes should be enclosed.
- Reception: Named pair of wellington boots for outdoor learning.
P.E. kit
P.E. kit to be worn on days your child has P.E. lessons. If your child attends a sports club, they will need to bring their P.E. kit and change into it before the club.
- White, blue and yellow PE shirt with school logo.
- Change of socks for PE – especially if tights are worn.
- Plain navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms/leggings
- Plain navy/blue PE shorts/skorts (with or without school logo)
- School sweatshirt or plain navy blue/black sweatshirt (no branded tracksuits please)
- Plain black/white trainers
Children must wear football boots, shin pads and football socks for tag rugby or football club.
Other equipment
- Nursery, Reception, Years 1 & 2: Book bag with school logo for carrying reading books and homework to and from school
- Classroom water bottle – named
- Sunhat when appropriate
- KS2: Pencil case (that fits in a tray) including: 4 HB pencils, colouring pencils, 30cm ruler, sharpener, rubber, handwriting pen (blue from Y4), felt tip pens (not Sharpie)
School uniform suppliers
School uniform basics available from supermarkets/other high street stores
Branded items available from:
BEAT, 4 Station Road, Harpenden
Stevensons, 10 Leyton Road, Harpenden – email:
Online suppliers including
Second-hand uniform: Friends of Roundwood Primary sell pre-loved uniform at regular sales at school and/or sign up to their second-hand uniform Facebook page.
Please name everything!
Please name all uniform, including water bottles and wellington boots.
If you wish to use labels, please consider these label suppliers, which earn commission for Friends of Roundwood Primary to be invested at school: (fundraising number 17142 to earn 15% commission for the school) (school id 26099 to earn 20% commission for the school) (no ID required, 20% commission to school)
Department for Education guidance (Guidance for governing bodies, school leaders, school staff and local authorities 2013)
“A head teacher, or a person authorised, may ask a pupil to go home briefly to remedy a breach of the school’s rules on appearance or uniform. If the pupil continues to breach uniform rules in such a way as to be sent home to avoid school or takes longer than is strictly necessary to effect the change, the pupil’s absence may be counted as an unauthorised absence. If a school is considering excluding a pupil in response to breaches of uniform policy, then this must be in line with the legal requirements for exclusion”.
Where a child does not adhere to the uniform policy, they should be asked to remedy this as quickly as possible e.g. tying hair up, removal of jewellery, hair clips. For items of clothing, a message should be sent to parents in the first instance. If there are repeat incidents, parents will be called to collect children to amend their attire or bring the appropriate clothing in to school.
Objections or complaints about the school uniform policy or actions following the above guidance can be addressed to the Headteacher directly, or through the school’s governor agreed Complaints Policy (available on the school website). Parents are however reminded that admission to the school is on the grounds that governor approved policies are adhered to. By sending your child to Roundwood Primary School, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of these policies.